Talent Management Metrics - Representative Sample
- Performance Reviews Finalized
- Performance Rating Distribution
- Average Performance Rating
- Time to Productivity
- High & Low Performers
- Turnover of High & Low Performers
- Pay for Performance
- Alignment of Performance Objectives w/Strategy
- PM Program Satisfaction
- Successors
- Potential Rating Distribution
- Succession Risk
- Succession Strength
- Succession Depth
- Potential Rating Distribution
- Hi-Potentials
- People Moves
- Competency Rating Distributions
- Development Spend, & /Employee HC & FTE
- Development Spend/Operating Spend & /Payroll
- Submitted & Executed Development Plans
- Readiness
- Mandatory Training Completed
- Internal Trainer Experts
- Avg. Program Design Cycle Time
- Learning Program Satisfaction Rating
- Learning Program Participation Rate
- Leaders
- Leadership Readiness
- Succession Depth
- Leadership Competency
- Span of Control
- Satisfaction Ratings
- Leadership Program Eligibles, Invitees, Attendees
- Leadership Effectiveness
- Leader Movement
- Mentoring Relationships
Talent Mgt
- High Performers & High Potentials
- Readiness
- Development Spend & /TWS
- Leadership Effectiveness
- Succession Risk, Depth
- Turnover
- Development Spend/Revenue, /NOP
- Development Spend/Employee HC